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  • Kathryn Simpson

Balancing Health, Travel, and Parenthood: Meet Our Family of Four!

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

In a world where fitness and flavor often seem at odds, we are here to prove that you can have your protein and eat your cake too! Meet our dynamic family of four, where gym sessions and macronutrient tracking coexist harmoniously with culinary adventures and travel delights. Join us on our journey as we navigate the joys of parenthood, all while staying true to our love for staying fit and savoring new and exciting flavors. Meet the Family:

1. The Working Warriors, Financial Independence Seekers, and Devoted Parents - Kathryn (Mom) and Erik (Dad): Our family is fueled not only by a passion for health but also by full-time careers and a relentless pursuit of financial independence. Kathryn, our dedicated mom, works as a pharmacist. Erik, our dad, is a stock trader, making a significant transition from his previous career as a physical therapist. Together, they've ventured into the world of real estate investments, showing that financial wisdom and a thirst for adventure are a powerful combination.

Yet, beneath the surface of our bustling lives, we've faced our fair share of parenting hardships. Like all parents, we grapple with the challenges that come with raising children, and we're constantly striving to be the best we can for our kids. Parenthood is a journey filled with ups and downs, but it's one that we embrace with all our hearts. We're committed to living a balanced life, nurturing our health, and indulging in new culinary experiences, especially when they travel. 2. The Little Explorers - Madison (3 years) and Juliet (9 months): Our family wouldn't be complete without our two adorable little girls, Madison and Juliet. Madison, at the tender age of three, has an insatiable curiosity for the world and a love for adventure. She's our budding little traveler and a fearless explorer of new experiences and flavors. On the other hand, baby Juliet, at just nine months old, is beginning to discover the wonders of the world around her, and we can't wait to introduce her to the joys of tasting new foods. 3. The Furry Friend - Maple, Our Aussiedoodle: Meet Maple, our four-legged family member, who adds a touch of playfulness to our lives. She's an Aussiedoodle with an infectious love for people, making her a perfect companion for our family, especially the kids. Maple is a pro at playing fetch, and while she adores people, she's surprisingly disciplined when it comes to food—she stays away from people food, keeping her health in check. 4. The Travel Enthusiasts: Our family looks forward to traveling and exploring the world. Whether it's discovering new cultures, savoring exotic cuisines, or simply soaking in the beauty of diverse landscapes, we believe that travel is an essential part of life's rich tapestry. We'll be sharing our globetrotting adventures, along with the delicious discoveries we make along the way. In this blog, we'll take you through the highs and lows of our family's journey. From meal prepping to dining out, from playground adventures to our travel escapades, we'll share our experiences, insights, and the occasional recipe that fuels our active and flavor-filled lives. We'll delve into the joys and challenges of raising a family that values health and wellness while embracing the richness of new flavors, all while managing full-time careers, smart investments, and the financial lessons learned from tackling student loans. So, whether you're a fellow fitness enthusiast, a foodie looking for inspiration, a parent seeking balance, or just someone curious about how this dynamic blend of passions and life experiences can work together, stay tuned! Our family's story is just beginning, and we're excited to share it with you. Together, let's explore the delightful intersection of fitness and food, where macros meet macarons, and where the gym, gourmet, and smart financial decisions can coexist in perfect harmony. Welcome to our journey!

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