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  • Kathryn Simpson

Cherished Chaos: Life and Love with Maple, Our Aussiedoodle

Maple Resting While Playing Fetch

Welcoming Maple into our lives was a journey filled with unexpected twists, boundless joy, and a deepening of our family bond. I had always harbored dreams of owning a dog, cherishing the companionship and joy that a pet could bring. Erik, however, had never had a pet growing up and was initially hesitant about introducing a furry friend into our lives. Nevertheless, after we got married and discovered we were expecting, he gradually warmed up to the idea.

Our initial plan to get a dog was put on hold as we embraced parenthood. Yet, when Madison turned 18 months old, Erik gave his blessing, and our search for the perfect furry companion began. Our journey took an unexpected turn when the puppy we had set our hearts on fell ill, a result of ingesting toxic grapes. The news was a devastating blow, and we found ourselves back at square one.

Undeterred, we continued our search and stumbled upon a litter of Aussiedoodles located about 40 minutes from our house. Deciding to make it a family affair, we visited the puppies, hoping to find the perfect match. Among the energetic furballs, one puppy stood out. She was calm, sweet, and seemed to have an instant connection with Madison. We knew she was the one, and that day, Maple became the newest member of our family.

Maple As A Puppy

Naming Maple was a task we handed over to Erik, hoping it would help strengthen his bond with her. He saw through my ploy but took the responsibility to heart, christening her Maple. As she settled into our lives, the joy and laughter she brought were immeasurable.

Maple's puppyhood, however, was not without its challenges. Balancing her high energy levels and the safety of a young toddler required constant vigilance. Early morning walks and playdates became a staple in our routine, a practice that continued until my pregnancy with Juliet.

Maple was patient and gentle with the girls, always knowing she could retreat to her bed in the laundry room when she needed a break. She quickly learned which toys were hers, leaving the girls' toys untouched despite the temptation. Even Juliet, at 11 months old, recognized the special place Maple held in our family, with "dog" being one of her few words.

Our family would not feel complete without Maple. She taught us the value of patience, the joy of unconditional love, and the beauty that comes from embracing the unexpected. As we reflected on our journey, we realized how fortunate we were to have Maple in our lives, a sweet, furry companion who had become an integral part of our family's tapestry.

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