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  • Kathryn Simpson

Evolving Fitness Journey: From OrangeTheory to New Horizons

Updated: Oct 13, 2023

Hey everyone! This is Kathryn and I want to share my fitness journey with you. Since 2015, OrangeTheory Fitness has been my fitness sanctuary, helping me build endurance for half marathons and aiding in my post-pregnancy recovery. But as life keeps changing, so do our goals and aspirations. Lately, I've been feeling the urge to explore new fitness options. In this blog, I'll take you through my current fitness strategy, the evolution of my workout routine, and my thoughts on trying something new.

The OrangeTheory Adventure

My fitness journey with OrangeTheory Fitness began in 2015, and it has been nothing short of amazing. Back then, I was looking to improve my overall fitness level, but little did I know the incredible impact it would have on my life.

OrangeTheory Fitness has played a vital role in helping me achieve unexpected fitness milestones. It provided the endurance training necessary for successfully running half marathons. Moreover, it played a crucial role in helping me regain my strength and vitality after two pregnancies. The mix of cardio and strength workouts at OrangeTheory was the secret sauce that propelled me forward on this fitness adventure.

Embracing the Early Mornings

Initially, I used to attend OrangeTheory classes in the late afternoon, typically at 4:30 pm or 5:45 pm. However, in 2018, I decided to embark on a new fitness challenge: early morning classes at 5 am. I won't sugarcoat it; those early wake-up calls were brutal at first. Every morning, I dreaded getting out of bed. But I made a pact with myself to stick with it for two full weeks. If I still felt the same way after that, I promised to re-evaluate.

Something magical happened during those two weeks. I discovered that the 5 am crew was a tight-knit, dedicated bunch. Their commitment was infectious, and gradually, my body adjusted to the new routine. Before I knew it, I had transformed into a morning person. Since then, I've almost exclusively attended the first class offered each day.

What I Love About OrangeTheory

One of the things that have kept me devoted to OrangeTheory is the ever-changing variety of workouts. Every day feels different, with workouts focused on endurance, strength, power, or a blend of these elements. This variety keeps the experience fresh and exciting. I appreciate how I get an excellent cardio workout every day while still being able to lift weights.

However, it's essential to acknowledge that there have been a few changes over the years that I haven't particularly enjoyed, such as repeated workouts. Nevertheless, I've stayed loyal to OrangeTheory, partly because it's become a comforting routine, but also because of the incredible support of my workout buddies.

Fitness for Mental Health and a Glimpse into the Future

Beyond the physical benefits, sticking to my OrangeTheory routine has had a profound impact on my mental health. It's my dedicated hour each day to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, especially as a working mom of two. Breaking a sweat not only keeps me fit but also rejuvenates my mind and spirit.

Yet, as I stand at this juncture of my fitness journey, I'm feeling the itch for something new. The desire to explore fitness options that offer more weightlifting opportunities with barbells and kettlebells has been growing. I've learned that I thrive in a class environment that keeps me accountable and pushes me to my limits. Plus, there's something invigorating about friendly competition with the person in the station next to you.

So, the future holds the possibility of exploring different workout options that align with my 5 am schedule. While I haven't made any concrete decisions yet, the thought of trying something new is starting to take shape in my mind.

My fitness journey with OrangeTheory Fitness has been an incredible ride, helping me build endurance, strength, and mental resilience. It's been my trusted companion for years, but as I grow and change, so do my fitness needs. As I contemplate new fitness horizons, I'll be sure to keep you all updated on my adventures beyond OrangeTheory.

Fitness is a lifelong journey filled with exciting twists and turns, and it's crucial to stay open to new challenges and opportunities. Whether I continue with OrangeTheory or venture into uncharted territory, one thing is for sure: the journey continues, and I'm excited to see where it takes me next.

Feel free to use this link if you want to learn more about OrangeTheory.

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