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  • Kathryn Simpson

Making Memories: Our First Camping Trip as a Family of Four (Five with Maple)

Our family recently went camping at Strawberry Reservoir with some friends who had a reserved campsite. We were excited but also a little nervous since it would be our first camping trip with all four of us, plus Maple, our dog. We planned for one night but packed enough to stay two, just in case. With the forecast predicting chilly nights and hot days, we packed plenty of layers and brought our air mattress, sleeping bags, and a borrowed cot from our friends. Maple even got her own little setup with a sleeping bag and coat. We were excited to test out our new Grand Highlander Hybrid, which we bought specifically for family trips like this.

As we headed out, we realized we forgot pillows—a mistake we didn’t want to make—so we made a quick pit stop at the Walmart in Heber, UT. After grabbing the pillows, we made our way to the campsite.

It was a great spot overlooking the reservoir with two picnic tables, a shaded area, and restrooms nearby. While Erik set up camp, I watched the girls explore the area, and Maple sniffed around happily. For dinner, we had smash burger tacos, then took a quick walk to the nearby marina. Jules was the first to go to bed, bundled up in a double sleeping bag with a hat to keep warm. Madi followed an hour later, and I squeezed myself between them in the sleeping bag when I was ready to sleep. It worked out, though I kept waking up to check if they were too cold, but both girls slept soundly through the night.

The next morning started with a big camp breakfast—eggs, sausage, and bacon cooked on a portable grill, with leftover fruit from the night before. We relaxed at the campsite with our friends before heading out to explore. First, we stopped by the visitor center where the girls picked up some goodies like crayons and stickers. We then went to the main marina, which was bustling with activity. We got some ice cream and found a nice grassy spot to watch boats launch into the water. It was a great way to cool off on the hot day.

After lunch and Jules’ nap, we hung out at the campsite with another friend who stopped by with their dog. Maple wasn’t in the mood to play, so we all relaxed with snacks, music, and beers for the adults, while the kids enjoyed their treats. The camp staff had organized a little 4th of July parade, which was a fun surprise. Golf carts drove by tossing candy, and the girls were thrilled to gather as much as they could—though we adults may have swiped a few pieces ourselves.

For dinner, we had burgers and hot dogs and took another walk down to the marina. We kept Madi up a little later than usual because we wanted her to see the stars. The previous night, the sky had been stunning, and we knew she’d love it.

Unfortunately, she was so tired that she ended up falling asleep in a camp chair before the real show began. We woke her up to see the Milky Way, but she was too groggy to really appreciate it. I decided to head to bed with her, making the sleeping bag shuffle easier, while Erik stayed up a bit longer with our friends around the fire.

The next morning was all about packing up and heading out. We had a quick, easy breakfast and packed up the campsite. We wanted to beat the traffic, so we were on the road by 8:00 am and back home by 10:00 am. The trip was a huge success. We all had a great time, and even though we were a little nervous going into it, it was well worth it. We were home early enough to get laundry done and prepare for the week ahead, feeling accomplished and happy with our little family adventure.

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