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  • Kathryn Simpson

My Journey from Serendipitous Homeownership to Real Estate Investment Success

My journey into real estate investing is a testament to the unexpected opportunities life can bring. What began as a seemingly serendipitous decision to purchase my first home during pharmacy school in 2010 evolved into a decade-long adventure in real estate that ultimately paved the way for a significant career shift for my husband, Erik, and me. In this article, I'll share my inspiring story of how I ventured into real estate, navigated the challenges, and made strategic decisions that have positively impacted our family's life.

The Unplanned Beginnings

In 2010, I found myself in an unusual situation for a student – becoming a homeowner. I purchased my first home, which, at the time, appeared highly unlikely given my student status. Little did I know that this seemingly fortuitous decision would be the catalyst for my future in real estate investing.

Living in my newly acquired home for about two years, I soon faced a pivotal choice when I embarked on a pharmacy residency program in another state. Should I sell my first property or rent it out? Opting for the latter, I delved into the world of property management without much experience or guidance.

The Early Lessons

My initial foray into property management was a learning experience. I quickly realized the importance of thoroughly vetting management companies and ensuring a strong line of communication. After a year, I made the wise decision to switch to a different management company that better suited my needs, although communication was still not ideal.

For over a decade, I kept my first home as a rental property, reaping the benefits of real estate investment, particularly for tax purposes, as I pursued my career in pharmacy.

Expanding the Portfolio with Erik

My journey took a new turn when I met Erik who shared my enthusiasm for real estate investment. Together, we ventured into purchasing additional properties, both within and outside our home state.

As we began to build our real estate portfolio, we learned the invaluable lesson of surrounding ourselves with trusted individuals to help manage our properties effectively. For a few years, we took on the role of self-management for our in-state properties, but as our family grew with the expectation of our first child, we decided to delegate property management to professionals.

Embracing Change

Around the same time, Erik faced a career crossroads. Although he was working as a physical therapist, his true passion lay in stock trading. However, the burden of student loans kept him tied to his current career. After much contemplation and discussions, we made the bold decision for Erik to pursue his passion and quit his job.

To support this significant life change and the pursuit of Erik's dream career, we decided to sell the very house I had purchased during pharmacy school. This move provided us with the financial freedom to embrace Erik's new path without sacrificing our family's well-being.

Ultimately my journey from serendipitous homeownership to successful real estate investing is a testament to the power of adaptability and strategic decision-making. My story highlights the importance of being open to unexpected opportunities and learning from the challenges that come with them. Ultimately, Erik and I's willingness to take calculated risks and build a strong support network allowed us to navigate the twists and turns of real estate investing and make life-changing decisions for our family's future. This journey serves as an inspiration to all those who aspire to carve their path in the world of real estate and beyond.

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