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  • Kathryn Simpson

Triumph Over Temptation: My Orangetheory Transformation Challenge 2024 Journey

As the new year dawned, I found myself reflecting on a holiday season filled with a little too much indulgence. The stress from work and the demands of parenthood had nudged my habits toward frequent eggnog enjoyment and a noticeable uptick in my alcohol consumption. My body and mind were sending clear signals—it was time for a reset. The Orangetheory Transformation Challenge 2024 presented the perfect opportunity for this much-needed change.

With determination, I set a goal: to reduce my weight from 126.2 lbs to 117 lbs within the eight-week span of the challenge. My initial weigh-in at Orangetheory showed me at 129 lbs, slightly higher than my home scale, but I was undeterred. I decided to track my progress using my home scale for consistency, aiming for a reduction in body fat and an increase in muscle tone. The Renaissance Periodization (RP) diet app became my guide, helping me navigate my dietary choices toward achieving my goal.

My diet consisted of five well-planned meals and a workout shake each day, focusing on nutrients and balance rather than variety. Breakfast usually included overnight oats and a side of nuts, while lunch and dinner featured a mix of cauliflower rice, brown rice, and proteins like chicken, beef, or salmon. Despite the monotony, I found satisfaction in the meals I prepared, diligently weighing each portion to ensure accuracy.

However, a work trip to Montana posed a significant challenge to my diet plan. I decided to indulge during the trip, planning to balance it out afterward with a strict potato diet—a strategy Erik and I had successfully used in the past. For several days post-trip, potatoes were my sole food source. This period tested my willpower, especially when dining with my family, but I remained committed to my goals, focusing on the health benefits of this dietary reset.

In addition to dietary changes, my fitness routine intensified. I incorporated Orangetheory's Strength 50 classes into my schedule, attending every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday, complemented by traditional Orangetheory classes on other days. This rigorous schedule helped me maintain not just physical fitness but also mental well-being. The 1-mile benchmark run, a component of the challenge, was a particular highlight, showcasing my improvement in cardiovascular health.

The challenge culminated on St. Patrick's Day, with my final weigh-in revealing a significant transformation. I had not only met my weight loss goal but also won the Transformation Challenge by losing 35.6% of my body fat. This achievement was beyond my initial expectations and served as a testament to my hard work and persistence.

Despite my success, the first day post-challenge was a return to indulgence, marked by a breakfast burrito and Girl Scout cookies. However, the habits formed and the mental resilience gained during the challenge have set a foundation for a balanced, healthier lifestyle moving forward. Winning the Transformation Challenge was an incredible achievement, but the real reward lies in the journey—the lessons learned, the personal bests achieved, and the habits formed. As I look to the future, I am confident that the transformation I experienced will have a lasting impact, guiding me toward continued health and well-being.

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